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Posted on January 31, 2009 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Not just the ones under my bed or in my closet, but the ones over at Belua Designs! Today Sarah Borque featured me on her blog under "Fremly's Friday Favorites". Yay... thanks Sarah! (and Fremly). Fremly is a one of a kind little monster that goes travelling with Belua when they are overseas... He's even been to Hong Kong. I met Sarah at various craft shows and she is one of the most successful crafters I have met. She has quit her job, her boyfriend quit his job, they sew monsters by HAND and they frequently SELL OUT at markets. People can't get enough! Sarah has been featured in many articles and on T.V as well, and is a favorite at the City Market Downtown in the summer months. She sells on Etsy, you can also find her at the Old Strathcona Market and at the upcoming Royal Bison show next week!
Posted on January 30, 2009 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Last night I dreamed that there was a dead body hung on a hook right outside my back door. In the rosebushes. It was decidedly a homeless man, wearing a yellow rain jacket. I didn't get a good look at it, and promptly woke up. My next dream was of me living somewhere else... a huge huge shared apartment with my step-brother (I don't have one outside of dreamland) and I had a fireplace and a swimming pool in my bedroom. Classy stuff... I always wonder why I dream the things that I dream? Both of these would lead anyone to believe I was watching "I know what you did last summer" and "Cruel Intentions", but nope. My mind just picked it up somehow... actually... funny enough now that I think about it I did catch a re-run of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on T.V... which stars Sarah Michelle Geller, who is in both those movies. Wow! My mind connects things while I sleep! Unless it's a fluke...
Posted on January 29, 2009 in 2009, Dreams 2009 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Today on Etsy botodesigns featured me in a treasury list called... Blond Ambition. I have always had a blond ambition myself and the split ends to match. Once a long long time ago I did dye it brown. Not on purpose of course.... It was very light blond and I bought the wrong color dye at the store. When I rinsed it out I found that it was golden blond at the roots, then was a dark green that faded into dark grey and silver at the tips. I went straight to Avanti the next day, (after I cried) and came out a brunette. But I didn't feel like myself until it was blond again.... When I met new people I almost wanted to tell them "I'm not supposed to look like this, I'm really a blond!"
Posted on January 28, 2009 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
New Stuff!
The Royal Bison show is in 2 weeks, February 7th and 8th 2009! I will have some new items that I am excited about. go to www.royalbison.ca for more info. I love making new things, and I have been staying up late watching Star Trek reruns sewing and designing... it's a perfect recipe.
Some sneak peeks above for your viewing pleasure.
Posted on January 26, 2009 in 2009 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
This morning I woke up to my
500th sale
on Etsy! Yay for me! I was excited to see those numbers climbing higher..... and closer to that big huge 500. I guess it's a milestone that you get to pass, and I think it was due to this:
Never Hurts to have your Mustache keyrings featured on the front page of the Etsy website! Mmmmm Hmmm, that's right. Thanks Gadgetgirl for sending me that picture.... the front page changes at least 12 times a day so I would have missed it!
Posted on January 22, 2009 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
I have received some pretty interesting gifts in my life. But, the strangest one lately was a pair of long underwear. A gift for no reason, it left me a little perplexed. I have never received underwear as a gift before from someone other than my grandmother. I have never owned long underwear. I have never even seen long underwear up close.... only on T.V. And I live in Canada! If anyone should have long underwear, it's us I guess! They are green with tiny music notes printed all over. They have tight cuffs at the ankles. And..... yes. They do. (They have a butt-flap). It's genius. I tried them on and wow... the whole pants being sewn to the shirt thing is a little strange... Glad I'm not claustrophobic because we might have had a problem.
Top 10 reasons these will come in handy: (In no particular order)
1.) When I'm out of clean Pajammas.
2.) If I go toboggining, or ice skating or jogging outside in winter.
3.) If I ever need to freak out someone out with crazy huge grannie underwears.
4.) If I get caught in an avalanche these will be warm.
5.) If I move somewhere where you get to keep a rifle close by and sit on the porch in just your long underwears.
6.) If I ever have a bad bruise on my rear end I can show it off without totally mooning someone.
7.) I can answer the door in just my underwears and not be indecent.
8.) If I'm ever searched at the airport the flap would come in handy.
9.) I could stuff it with styrofoam peanuts if I ever need a fat man suit.
10.) If I ever lose my legs I can just cut the legs off of the long underwear and then I have a new shirt!
Thanks friend... for thinking of me. Lets go make snow angels!
Posted on January 21, 2009 in 2009 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted on January 19, 2009 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
...which was today. I woke up with the sun shining, and everything dripping because it was PLUS FIVE!!! In January! In Edmonton! As my eyes willed to believe it, I was already grabbing my gym shoes so I could go for a walk in my favorite walking spot. My favorite walking spot usually has a lake, ducks, geese, the occasional dog walker and don't forget the seniors. Since I don't see very much of the lake in the winter, it was weird to see everything under snow, but very picturesque and pretty. Also, a bit scary to see footprints all over the lake surface accompanied by the "Thin Ice" signs posted everywhere. I stopped by one of my suppliers on the way home, drooled over things I can't afford, then came home and sewed all day. Oh... and grabbed my first Slur-pee of 2009. It was amazing...
I had fun cooking for my friends this past weekend, there was mucho Italian food.... and it was yum. I used one of Martha's recipes for Spinach and Prosciutto Lasagna which was actually really good. I will definitely make it again. I was planning on making Spumoni ice cream "From Scratch"... but remembering all the ice cream we ate on New Years Eve.... yeah... still "Ice Creamed Out". Instead I went to one of the Italian bakeries in Edmonton and bought a Tiramisu. I had never had it before and as the girl wrapped it up I couldn't help but hope that people wouldn't be disappointed in the big huge tower of whipped cream I just purchased. I served it up, and when I added a slice to my plate I thought "yuck, I hate whipped cream". I always scrape it off ice cream and dump it out of my hot chocolate. But then I actually tried the cake and realized it was the most delicious thing on earth. This is the kind of cake that you buy wearing a disguise so you can eat the whole thing for dinner and no one will know. I couldn't believe I actually liked it and after googling a recipe, realized that it's not made of whipped cream at all. Nope... marscarpone cheese. But also coffee and liquor! Which I both hate, but you know what- that cake was super fantastic and I didn't even notice.
Posted on January 17, 2009 in 2009 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
So, having brung in the New Year with a lovely case of the Flu, I now have made some adjustments to "Life as I know it". Not ever having had the Flu before, I had forgotten how much I hate being nauseous. So much in fact, that at 4 am I vowed to not ever have children or I might resent them all they're lives for being the cause of such misery and remind them of this ALL THE TIME and be one of those annoying Mothers that only get called once a year. Instead I have a few options....
Posted on January 08, 2009 in 2009 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)