Sometimes there is nothing more satisfying than a piece of pie. You can eat pie all over the place. You can get a pie in the face. You can have pie in the bathtub, you can eat pie off of the rug. Cherry, blueberry, raspberry and saskatoon berry. No matter what.... pie is pie. And it's all good........ me having just finished a piece of Strawberry pie that I bought at the Market today. The LAST market of the season. It was chilly... with a slice of sun every now and then. The last time this year that I will have to wake up before noon, load my teeny tiny car until simply bursting with bags, and drive half awake to hit the streets gypsy-style. If I only had long wild hair and a really big skirt..... hoop earrings?
Did I mention that my pie had ice cream on top? Ice cream that I made myself? OH YEAH! I did it..... I bought an ice cream machine. Wait... I actually bought two. I have somewhat of a slur-pee addiction, which I am trying to kick. I thought "Hey, I bet I can make Diet slur-pee's in an electric ice cream machine!" Sometimes I am so sure of myself it makes me sick. No, actually, that sick sound was from my first ice cream machine when I left the poor baby in the kitchen un-attended. It didn't roll over by itself, but it did jam up and make a big block of diet ice, thus breaking the blade on my new friend. So, at the risk of disappointing 7 dinner guests that would arrive in 2 days, I frantically called the store. (It's over 300 km away). Nope.. no way they make replacement blades. Sigh. But, it was kind of them to offer free shipping with the purchase of a NOTHER machine. So I did. And it came. But, also the reply email to my venting to Cuisinart came... which gave me a list of repair shops that are more than happy to get me replacement parts. ???? Yeah, for $12. I mean... twelve bucks. Not a whole nother machine... twelve bucks. Sigh.
Now there are two of them. And I can't even wear them on my feet.