After getting much sleep... it's time to blog again. I spent the weekend in Calgary Alberta at a craft show called Portobello West. I had the impression that this was a big craft show.... but..... it turned out that not many people attended! I am super glad that I had a free van, free helper, and free place to stay! You couldn't ask for better friends when it comes down to it. I am excited to see Portobello West grow as a venue, and to see more and more great vendors and shoppers attend! This show has great potential to be amazing. I know that crafting is not a guaranteed income... but I was disappointed to come home with so much product left! one good thing about having lots of stock... less work to do for the next one!
Which would be Edmonton Fashion Week April 23-30th. Come down to Churchill Square and check out Fashion Alley! I am partnered with Code Lime at the show and you couldn't ask for a better partner. I have many items from Code Lime.... thank God someone around here can Knit!
Next up Spring Butterdome May 9-11th. Click on the link and view a picture of MY card cases on the web page! I am excited to be a part of such a BIG DEAL craft show... I attended as a guest last year and the show was SO BUSY.... So many great vendors! Also look out for The Phage, and Bootyfly Bags two more great craft show pals.
One more! Spring Stop and Shop Show May 16-18th. This is going to be a great show, the past two stop and shop shows have been great, and one of my favorite parts is meeting the other vendors. And... shopping! Everyone is so talented in ways that I am not... so thankfully I get to own locally made independent goods. This one has MORE vendors and they are amazing!
Otherwise if you can't make it.... come to the St.Albert Farmers Market I will be there the whole season! I have some other venue's pending for the summer.... so I won't post them in case I don't... ahem... get accepted!
My world is consumed by taxes, sewing, and hummus. In that order. See you soon... OOO XXX