Today my lunch (Which I'm eating right now) is a whole wheat wrap filled with black beans, chick peas, white kidney beans, lettuce and soy cheese. Yup.... soy cheese. Never had it before but some ladies I know were raving about it so I had to buy some. I mean, what if I was really missing out? My review is that it has a processed texture, and it doesn't really taste like cheese. But, since I am trying to eat healthy this year I guess I will have to stick with it for awhile! Welcome back to the world of low fat oatmeal, green peppers and egg white omelette's. This is of course to aid my endeavors to fit into that mermaid dress that I love..... and I also signed up for a belly dancing class for a different type of workout. I get bored with working out and need a change almost daily.... but one thing is constant. I start every workout with my playlist set to "Super Size Me" to remind me WHY I'm working out in the first place!
And... one exciting thing that's new for this year is that I'm signed up for They mail me Dvd's almost daily and it ROCKS! You can pick what dvd's you want to rent, and when they become available they send them to you along with a postage paid envelope. Genius! It has a great search engine and you can search by actors, or directors. So far I'm working my way along Doris Day, Hitchcock, The Flintstones Season 2 and today they mailed me "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein" and "Hotel Rwanda" MMMmmm.... I like some horror movies. Not all. And everyone tells me Hotel Rwanda is good, so we'll see. This is a LOT funner than my movie project from last year. And, working at home all day by myself gets lonely and my cat isn't speaking to me right now, so popping in a dvd is great. I'm sick of all of my own, you can only watch "Hairspray" so many times...... (13 so far this month.)
Alright.... back to my big bad Juki...