A while ago I entered a contest over at the Indie Path. This contest revolved around one of my favorite things..... cupcakes. I love cupcakes. Not to eat, of course, but only to make. I know that's a bit weird... considering that I have taken many many cake decorating classes over the years. I love to bake and decorate these things but in real life I only like Vanilla cake with Vanilla Frosting and Vanilla Ice cream. Must be homemade too... bakery cake is swill. I was reminded today that I blog about ice cream (a lot I guess!) and maybe this year for christmas I will get my electric ice cream machine.... Ok Santa? Please? Then I can make Octopus Ink Ice cream, and Kraft Dinner Ice cream and really disgust people when they come over. Anyhow.... I didn't win the contest, I was a runner up. But it still is pretty cool to win runner up! (Unless it's a Miss America pagent then it would probably super-suck.) So thank you Indie Path for choo choo choosing me.