Alright, so I have made an almost full recovery and will be up and running at the downtown market this Saturday. I have some new designs and colors for my pouches, and depending on how much work I get done tonight- some cool new messenger bags! I had my supplier deliver me some new colors and I was so excited to finally be able to sew again this week!
Yup--- I was missing my sewing machine like crazy last week.... I have found that there is an amazing amount of time you can waste being UN-productive. I spent some time getting my workshop organized and cleaned up. (I get thread everywhere... lots and lots of thread) I watched SO many movies I can't believe it. I even GASP! left the house and saw a real movie live and in person at a real movie theater! I went to the grocery store. I had no idea that there were so many different kinds of bread. I got so much extra sleep that I almost feel like a normal human with only one job. Instead of a tired, haggard old crone with vinyl fingers. And, I spent a lot of time online looking around at neat things to buy.
One of them... A LOMO colorsplash camera! This is most likely my next camera purchase coming up. I used to work in a photo lab developing pictures and doing digital work. It was my favorite job. In case you didn't realize it, most labs view every single picture to adjust for brightness and color. Surprised? I was too. This is why it is important to not take pictures of anything you want kept a secret, or private. Because it doesn't stay private for very long! Anyhow, I loved adjusting pictures to make them look all strange... and after I switched to digital and saw what I can do with photo programs, I was hooked. BUT this LOMO is a bit different.... you can actually change the color of the photos at the time that you take them, and it uses REAL FILM! I don't know the exact way this camera works, but it kind of seems like an adventure. And super fun. You can get all kinds of fun LOMO cameras at Fred Flare and they have no problems shipping to Canada... like some other websites do. Just not fond of us bonspeialers. ???
Anyhow... have a super long weekend, hope to see you at the market!