I have been technically homeless for awhile... I don't live on the street, but have yet to find somewhere to live where I am welcome. Regardless, I haven't been baking much. All my pretty little dishes and wonderfully expensive baking gear is packed up and I am really not actually sure of where it is exactly. Every now and again I get the itch to bake something, but I let it pass. Anyhow... I feed that itch by checking out the Williams Sonoma webs site usually.... but check this out, A pineapple corer! Apparently, it will core and slice the pineapple, leaving you with a hunk of fiber, and perfect slices of fruit. They also have Personalized Easter Baskets, which are like, so expensive. Just get a label maker. Or a sharpie. But they are cute. They even have personalized cookies that you can order and have sent to someone special.... of course I am thinking of my Niece, but she doesn't need $24.00 cookies when she likes arrowroot. I doubt that toddlers can tell the difference. I sure couldn't. I thought that Tang was real orange juice. Funny story about Tang...... I don't know how old I was, maybe 4? Or 5? My pediatrician told my mom that I was allergic to Cow's milk. So she would give me either Goats milk, or, tang with calcium supplements added. I wouldn't drink the goats milk, ick, it's from a goat. And I always pictured hairy udders when I tried to drink it, which, grossed me out completely. So, I ended up drinking a lot of Tang. SO much tang, in fact that my feet and hands started turning orange. No joke... I am being completely truthful. I think that same doctor figured out that it was the Tang, and I don't know the rest of the story.... they aren't orange anymore however. But the funny part is that I am actually really not allergic to Cow's milk at all. The doctor told my Mom not to give me dairy products, because it might aggravate my asthma. Funny thing is, he never told my Mom that Secondhand smoke aggravates asthma as well....... and I rather doubt that I ever had asthma at all. So wow... I guess that's my funny story for the day. I hope you enjoyed it. Oh yes... did I mention that I really hated that Doctor? I hated him so much that I punched him in the face when I was three. He always said that if I sat on his chair I would turn into an ugly doctor like him. Nice bedside manner, no wonder I punched him. I wonder how embarrassed my mom was?