As my sister put it... Happy Hallmark Day! I tend to agree with that. I think that this day was made for consumers. How else can you push card sales in February? It's well known that February is the lowest month for retail, and of course I am blatantly bitter at the other half of the day. Oh yes.... everyone who has a sweetheart gets to celebrate. And the rest of the world gets to feel like they are left out. That makes me so mad.... no one should feel left out! I spent my night with friends for dinner, and tried to forget about the whole V-Day thing. I am actually not bitter about being single, but just that a holiday exists for no apparent reason. The way we celebrate it in today's society anyhow. I mean, We celebrate Christmas for Christ's birth, and Easter for Christ's death.... seems like shamrocks and hearts are a pale comparison. I wonder just how many other people ranted about V-day today? I am however glad to be single today, when I think about what I could have ended up with. It's good to make wise choices, and here's to another year of hopefully, making the best decisions that I can make. Cheers!
Oh, and I had a showcase spot on Etsy today and I made no sales! I am sorely disappointed, and hope for better things tomorrow. boo.