This afternoon I was channel flipping, and guess what I saw? The Hilarious House of Frightenstein! It completely took me back in time. I remember watching this when I was very young... maybe 5 years old. Periodically through the years, I have asked anyone if they remember "those green guys" from when we were kids, but almost no one remembers them! Outrage! I realize that lots of parents would censor the T.V, but it is so sad to see great cult shows like that go UN-watched. But- rejoice! They are releasing the show on dvd, and you can buy it at The great thing about this show, is that it is completely Canadian. It included the late Vincent Price as a guest star, who would do single takes, and Billy Van, who played how many characters? More than 9, as well as "The Count". The most interesting thing about this show, is that it wasn't shot in sequence... it was shot in "characters". Billy would play one character for a few weeks, and then move onto the next character. Which explains why there was no actual theme from show to show. Just randomness. I love it!